From the USSS Criminal Investigative Division:
The USSS Boston Field Office is currently investigating an organized ring of individuals targeting private jet charter companies. These individuals claim to be promoters/agents/managers in the music industry and use stolen credit cards to book jet charters and luxury rental vehicles across the country.
Please contact USSS Special Agent Tyler Martin, Boston Field Office, at 202-809-8570 or 617-565-5640, should any of the following individuals attempt to book a private jet charter using the following contact information:
Possible Names Brian Hatwood Brian Atwood Bryan Hayward Brian Haywood Rich O'Malley Epic Music Brian Atwood Global Communications Bill Starkman
Possible Email Addresses d.williamsonla[@]gmail.com starkmanbill[@]gmail.com omalleyauto[@]gmail.com michaelatl2k17[@]gmail.com globalbookingsworldwide[@]gmail.com calboythewildboy[@]gmail.com
Possible Phone Numbers 815-618-1625 917-361-1844 323-347-8253 773-707-9757